Ronald Tolman

Beeldhouwer, schilder, graficus

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Het eiland
2012, Prentenboek, Marije Tolman & Ronald Tolman, Lemniscaat
Het eiland
2012, Prentenboek, Marije Tolman & Ronald Tolman, Lemniscaat

En ook het tweede boek van Marije en Ronald wordt werelwijd uitgegeven en weer zijn de recensies lovend. Hieronder een selectie.

The New York Times:

I’ve gone through this wordless tale dozens of times and still can’t frame an exact story line. I’m not even sure I know what the book is about — and I really don’t care. Like a young girl I saw recently in a bookstore, I just run my hands over each page and say, “This is so beautiful.”

In Publishers’ weelkly, het meest toonaangevend blad voor boekrecensies lezen we:

It's the freest, most joyful kind of exercise of the imagination, one that holds delight for every viewer.

Kirkus review:

Skill has been applied to the paintings, with their wide swaths of color, reminiscent of a Rothko color-field, and loose, deliberate drawings. But much like Rothko’s work, this tale’s ability to reach viewers is extremely subjective. Some may think it pleasant but simplistic, while others may project deep meaning onto it.